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Excecutive Director
Maricela Suárez

Excecutive Director - Maricela Suárez's story, professional experience and links.
[ Excecutive Director | Insight Group ]

Excecutive Director

Maricela Suárez's Story

Bachelors in Business Administration
Master of Science in Human Resources Management
Master in Human Resources
Chief Happiness Officer, expected 2020
Fulbright Scholar

Maricela has been working for around 15 years in the fields of Talent Management, Human Resources, Education, and Business in global as well as family-owned organizations in over 10 countries in Latin America and the United States. She has created, implemented, and managed projects with local and regional scopes that resulted in people and business growth.

As a Talent Management expert, she helps individuals and organizations connect to their purpose and build a culture of accountability. She hopes to make the world a better place by creating exceptional workplaces, where businesses and people grow and thrive. 

Excecutive Director

Maricela Suárez's Experience

LifePage Career Awareness Platform
Talent Management
  Notably: Talent Differentiation Strategist
  in: Kimberly Clark
5 years & 2 months [Jan 2020 - Mar 2025]

What is Talent Management / What is a Career in Talent Management: I work as an independent consultant to help students and professionals to manage their careers. I help them identify the career that best suits their interests and talents, as well as provide them with tools and guidance that will help them achieve career success in the different stages of their career (exploration, establishment, maintenance, advancement or withdrawal). I also help organizations make the best choices to develop their talent, and create programs that facilitate business continuity and talent optimization.

Talent Management Course / How I got into Talent Management: "As part of my Masters of Science in Business Administration, I had the opportunity to intern with Dell and Kimberly Clark, which opened the doors of solid international experience in Talent Management and Human Resources."



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