Veterinary Surgery
Notably: Veterinary Doctor
in: V Care Pet Clinic
12 years & 10 months [May 2012 - Mar 2025]
What is Veterinary Surgery / What is a Career in Veterinary Surgery: Veterinary surgery is surgery performed on animals by veterinarians, whereby the procedures fall into three broad categories - orthopaedics (bones, joints, muscles), soft tissue surgery (skin, body cavities, cardiovascular system, GI/urogenital/respiratory tracts), and neurosurgery.
Veterinary Surgery Course / How I got into Veterinary Surgery: "After doing my schooling from Maharashtra, I did BVSc and AH from Bombay Veterinary College. I worked with RAHAAT, Dehradun for two years and in 2016, opened my own clinic along with Dr. Atul Uniyal by the name V Care Pet Clinic."