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Logistics Executive
Saras Kapoor

Logistics Executive - Saras Kapoor's story, professional experience and links.
[ Logistics Executive | Toyota Tsusho ]

Logistics Executive

Saras Kapoor's Story

BBA - Galgotias University

Saras Kapoor did his BBA from Galgotias University and pursuing JLPTN5 from Monsai. In 2015, he started working at NNR Global Logistics and since 2017, he is working at Toyota Tsusho as Logistics Executive. 

Logistics Executive

Saras Kapoor's Experience

LifePage Career Awareness Platform
Supply Chain Management
  Notably: Logistics Executive
  in: Toyota Tsusho
10 years [Mar 2015 - Mar 2025]

What is Supply Chain Management / What is a Career in Supply Chain Management: Supply chain management (SCM) is the broad range of activities required to plan, control and execute a product's flow, from acquiring raw materials and production through distribution to the final customer, in the most streamlined and cost-effective way possible.

Supply Chain Management Course / How I got into Supply Chain Management: "I did BBA from Galgotias University and pursuing JLPTN5 from MIJL. In 2015, I started working at NNR Global Logistics and since 2017, I am working at Toyota Tsusho as Logistics Executive."



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