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Executive Director
Vinod Bhatt

Executive Director - Vinod Bhatt's story, professional experience and links.
[ Executive Director | Navdanya Biodiversity Farm ]

Executive Director

Vinod Bhatt's Story

B Sc (Zoology, Botany, Geology) - DBS, Dehradun
M Sc (Botany) - HNB Garhwal University
Ph D (Plant Pathology) - HNB Garhwal University

Vinod Bhatt B Sc (Zoology, Botany & Geology). Post that, he did Masters in Botany followed by Ph D in Plant Pathology. He worked as a Professor of Botany at Pauri Campus for some time before joining an NGO called Academy for Mountain Environics where he worked for 2 years. He has been working with Navdanya Biodiversity Farm since 1997 and is an Executive Director there. 

Executive Director

Vinod Bhatt's Experience

LifePage Career Awareness Platform
Organic Farming
  Notably: Executive Director
  in: Navdanya Biodiversity Farm
27 years & 5 months [Oct 1997 - Mar 2025]

What is Organic Farming / What is a Career in Organic Farming: Organic Farming relies on fertilizers of organic origin such as compost manure, green manure, and bone meal and places emphasis on techniques such as crop rotation and companion planting. Biological pest control, mixed cropping and the fostering of insect predators are encouraged.

Organic Farming Course / How I got into Organic Farming: "I did B Sc (Zoology, Botany & Geology) from DBS, Dehradun. Post that, I did Masters in Botany followed by Ph D in Plant Pathology. I worked as a Professor of Botany at Pauri Campus for some time before joining an NGO called Academy for Mountain Environics where I worked for 2 years. I have been working with Navdanya Biodiversity Farm since 1997 and am an Executive Director there."

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