Teaching Differently
Sujata Paul Maliah | Coordinator | Dehradun Coaching AcademyWhat is Teaching Differently?
A Career in Teaching Differently is very interesting. Almost everyone seems to be talking about How to start a Career in Teaching Differently, while one should first develop an understanding of What is a Career in Teaching Differently. The internet is a great source of information on Teaching Differently, but it is second best to learning about the same from a real professional.
Coordinator Sujata Paul Maliah invested 28 years & 11 months in Teaching Differently. Coordinator Sujata Paul Maliah defines Teaching Differently as:
Teaching differently is the way of teaching children the way they understand and not the way we have been taught. A teacher must understand that teacher is a facilitator of learning and knowledge but not only a teacher who teaches the concepts and covers the syllabus.
How Coordinator Sujata Paul Maliah got into Teaching Differently?
After completing my education, I started teaching differently with the help of the experiences I got when I was studying. I used different methodologies for teaching as I did not want to be a boring teacher and wanted my students to learn the concepts easily and with fun. I am teaching since 1988.
Coordinator Sujata Paul Maliah's Talk on Teaching Differently |
Starts with what is: | |
1) | Teaching Differently |
Next, it covers Education. We all know that only 10% of what is taught in Teaching Differently is actually used in real life. The Education section of the Talk clearly explained what is the 10% needed in Teaching Differently. It details these topics within Education for Teaching Differently: | |
2) | Subject Matter |
3) | Teaching Methodologies |
4) | Visual Aids |
5) | Child Psychology |
Then, the Talk focuses on the most important component that is Skills. Anyone aspiring for Teaching Differently needs to understand that Skill development is crucial for success. It details these topics within Skills for Teaching Differently: | |
6) | Passion |
7) | Multidisciplinary Synergies |
8) | Innovate and Implement |
9) | Communication |
10) | Keen Learner |
11) | Updated |
12) | Confidence and Preparedness |
Positives of Teaching Differently are quite interesting. This Talk defines Positives in terms of following items for Teaching Differently: | |
13) | You Never Grow Old |
14) | Respect & Recognition |
15) | Immense Satisfaction |
16) | Societal Impact |
17) | Career Opportunities |
18) | Monetary Potential |
It is important that one develops a fair understanding of the Challenges of Teaching Differently: | |
19) | Knowledge Update |
20) | Applicability of Visual Aids |
21) | Re Inventing Yourself |
In the final section of the Talk, Sujata Paul Maliah talks about How a day goes in a Career in: | |
22) | Teaching Differently |
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According to Sujata Paul Maliah your chances of success in Teaching Differently is __%
- Access your personalized Dream Index Report which will have all your Dream Indices sorted in descending order.

How to get into
Teaching Differently?
If you are want to get into Teaching Differently, start by investing in a Career Plan.
The 14 hour process, guided by a LifePage Career Advisor, will help you introspect and check whether your interest in Teaching Differently is merely an infatuation or is it truly something you wish to do for the rest of your life.
Next, your Career Advisor will help you document how you can get into Teaching Differently, what education and skills you need to succeed in Teaching Differently, and what positives and challenges you will face in Teaching Differently.
Finally, you will get a Career Plan stating which Courses, Certifications, Trainings and other Items you need to do in the next 7 years to become world’s best in Teaching Differently.
LifePage Career Plan
14 hour personalized guidance program

Your LifePage Career Advisor facilitates your guided introspection so that you systematically explore various Career options to arrive at a well thought out Career choice.
Next: your Advisor helps you figure out how you will get into your chosen Career and how will you develop the skills needed for success in your Chosen Career.
LifePage Plan will not stop at saying "to become an Architect study Architecture". It will guide you on which Certifications, Trainings and Other items you need to do along with your Architecture education to become the world's best Architect.
Links for this Talk
LifePage Career Talk on Teaching Differently


[Full Talk]

(Teaching Differently, Sujata Paul Maliah, Dehradun Coaching Academy, Teacher, Educationist, Education, Innovative Education, Teaching, Special Education)
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