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Anshul Kumar Nirala

Anshul Kumar Nirala's Story

Graduation - Arena Animation

Anshul Kumar Nirala did his schooling from Bala Hissar Academy, Dehradun. Soon after that he did his Graduation from Arena Animation.He has worked with several places related to Print Media, Rubico Pvt Ltd and Vana retreat. He is the founder of Nirala Nation Production. 

Anshul Kumar Nirala's Experience

LifePage Career Awareness Platform
Music Artistry
  Notably: Founder
  in: Nirala Nation Production
1 year [Apr 2016 - Apr 2017]

What is Music Artistry / What is a Career in Music Artistry: A music artist is someone who creates, performs and releases music either independently or through a record label. Being a music artist requires a lot of talent, skill and knowledge.

Music Artistry Course / How I got into Music Artistry: "I did my Schooling from Bala Hissar Academy. After that did my Graduation from Arena Animation. I Worked in several places like Print Media, Rubico Pvt Ltd and at Vana Retreat as well. I am the founder of Nirala Nation Production."


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