Computer Engineering
Notably: Computer Engineer
in: Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnologia, UNT
30 years [Sep 1987 - Sep 2017]
What is Computer Engineering / What is a Career in Computer Engineering: Computer engineering has an integral vision of the computer, from the layers related to the user, the apps, to the layers related to the computer, the hardware and even the ones related to the intercommunication between the computers, the internet. So computer engineering is just a career in engineering that achieves an integration of all the knowledge that is in computers so they are able to have a very widespread application. Including all the achievements that have been seen lately as cell phones, all machines applied to medicine and artificial intelligence. All of them are areas of application of computer engineering.
Computer Engineering Course / How I got into Computer Engineering: "I graduated first as an electronic engineer, because at that time when I studied, computer engineering did not exist in my country as a career. Soon after I graduated as an electronic engineer I won a scholarship to study in Israel where I did a master's degree in computer engineering at the Technological Institute of Israel called Technion. Since I returned I have been very active in my professional life, but I have never stopped being a teacher at UNT, at the beginen only part time because the rest of the time I used it in my own professional career."