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Prem Narayan

Consultant - Prem Narayan's story, professional experience and links.
[ Consultant | Hospital ]


Prem Narayan's Story

MBBS - KGMC Lucknow
MD - KGMC Lucknow

Dr Prem Narayan Vaish did his MBBS & MD from KGMC Lucknow after which he started practicing Internal Medicine. In 2018, he joined VelMed Hospital, Dehradun as an Internal Medicine Consultant. 


Prem Narayan's Experience

LifePage Career Awareness Platform
Internal Medicine
  Notably: Consultant
  in: VelMed Hospital
16 years [Feb 2009 - Mar 2025]

What is Internal Medicine / What is a Career in Internal Medicine: Internal Medicine encompasses the care of all adults, healthy and sick. Internists can be generalists or subspecialists, like cardiologists or rheumatologists. Patients with multiple problems and medications would typically be seen by an internist.

Internal Medicine Course / How I got into Internal Medicine: "I did my MBBS & MD from KGMC Lucknow after which I started practicing Internal Medicine. In 2018, I joined Velmed Hospital, Dehradun as an Internal Medicine Consultant."

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